clever ditsies

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OMG'ness... have you visited the Target website recently? It makes me so happy. They are featuring Liberty of London, which is a fabulous company emphasizing the lively reinvention of William Morris-type patterns. I'm sure everyone's familiar with those detailed cards or envelope liners that you're lucky to receive every now and then in a thank you card. It's the one that has gold line work woven through a tight floral print. Well pump up the colors and add it to products such as bicycles, lingerie, bedding and dinnerware and you've got Liberty of London. They're already out of stock on a number of items but here are a few of my personal favorites:

Dunclare Pink Dining Set | Pleated Chemise


Heather said...


How have I not come across your amazing blog?! I'm adding it to my google reader right this very second!

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