Sew Easy Class

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Since I work on campus at Utah State University, I get the chance to audit classes if I'd like (basically I just pay the class fee but no tuition since I'm not getting credit). I started thinking about how I'd really like to improve my sewing skillz. There is actually quite a few sewing classes taught on campus and so I'm starting with the basics, Introductory Sewing 1140. Our first project is a pillow case and I got to pick out my fabrics. I love the small distsie patterns:

I'm planning on using the red piping to separate the hem from the body of the pillow. I had found some embroidery inspiration the other day at the Purl Beehive but I'm going to have to save it for my advanced class. I just love the thread colors, simple and warming.

Ahem... Jason Holley now calling

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My husband's been out of town for the last few days and my creative energy has been pulsating. It's a good thing but at the same time I miss him and I'm glad that he'll be back soon. I've been doing everything and anything to keep myself busy, to the point that I made myself sick. I had to slow down and I started to read and I found an illustrator that is amazing. His name is Jason Holley and his work has captured me.

My all-time favorite artist has always been Frida Kahlo and I feel a big similarity in the work of Jason Holley and her work. In this article that I read about him, he doesn't really mention Frida as an influence or mentor but when I look at his work, it's a big part of what I see.

This is one of my favorite paintings by Frida, see the similarities? There is a lot of symbology in it. You can read more about her here.
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